Sunday, January 30, 2005

Symantec Security Response - W32.Beagle.BA@mm

The Beagle Virus This virus uses its own SMTP engine to send email messages to any addresses found. The address in the "to" line may not be who the virus is actually coming from. So be cautious in blasting that person for sending you a virus. It may not be from them at all.

Saturday, January 22, 2005

Whole Brain featured in Boulder County Business Report

Return of the king: content Web designers focus more on data, functionality, less on 'eye candy'

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Computer Worm Exploits Tsunami to Spread Virus

FRANKFURT, Germany (Reuters) - A mass e-mail posing as a plea for aid tohelp the victims of last month's Asian tsunami disaster is actually avehicle for spreading a computer virus, Web security firm Sophos saidMonday.;jsessionid=UB1BCOU41LFHCCRBAEKSFEY?