Blogging, e-newsletters, and all this marketing stuff takes time.
I'm often amazed at just how much time it takes to do all this promotional stuff. Thinking of more clever things to do to get the word out about my business. Planning for the upcoming year.
What worked in 2005? What didn't? What should we continue in 2006? What do we cut back? What do we eliminate? What do we do first? What will generate the most results, the greatest ROI, the most bang for the buck?
How do you know what worked and what didn't? When it comes to their Web site, most people don't have a clue. They don't know how to track the results of their marketing in general, much less their Web site. Maybe they'll talk about "hits" but don't really know what a "hit" is. In my classes, I ask them to define a hit, and I get all variety of answers. Many people think their web site is effective if it shows up on search engines. Or they think it's not effective if they aren't getting a lot of people emailing them to make appointments. But without a system in place for measuring results, with clear goals and expectations, how will they know if the site is really delivering?
Well, I have news for all those people. I'm going through the same thing now! Reviewing my tracking reports. Evaluating where to put my time and energy next year. Looking at incorporating more and more online techniques to achieve a greater reach.
It's tough when you want to do so many things -- but you can't do everything today. Keep watching (or should I say reading). You may notice some new things in the works for Whole Brain Technologies.
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