Tuesday, January 23, 2007

It's up!

I've worked hours to launch a new look for the Whole Brain Technologies web site, and now it's finally up and running. Actually, it's been up for a few days. I'm still doing some tweeking and adjusting. The devil definately is in the details. But overall, I'm pretty happy with it. A very liberating experience, I'm relieved to finally claim the company as my own (more about that later).

I have a renewed appreciation for anyone spending time, money and energy on a web site - like my clients. I spent hours just looking for photos to use on the site. Going through the old site and deciding what to keep and what to leave behind was a valuable review of the company's past direction. Now it was time to articulate it's direction moving forward in 2007.

I decided to update the corporate colors and change the tagline. That was a refreshing change. I like the connection green (rather than the old teal) has to growth. I've always liked purple, so I couldn't get rid of that color. Plus, it forced me to update the designs for letterhead, business cards, and other collaterals. I even adjusted the colors for this blog.

The best thing is that now I'm free emotionally and psychologically to move forward. I've reclaimed the company as my own - something I no longer need to share with anyone.

Take a look and let me know what you think.

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