Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I'm Stupid

I just took an online quiz to tell me if I was stupid or not. It had such a creative title - The Stupid Quiz - that I just couldn't resist. The short story is that it told me that I'm not stupid:

Gee Gosh Wow! Congratulations, you are NOT Stupid. Not by a Longshot. In fact, you are a "Brainiac!" (If you know who Brainiac is, you are however, a Nerd.)
Despite what the quiz said, I AM STUPID! Stupid enough to get sucked into the stupid quiz, anyway.

The actual quiz was kinda fun, but getting the results was painful. I had to spend time rejecting all the "free" offers before I could get to the end. And it made me enter my name, address, phone, email, hair color, shoe size, favorite taco sauce, grandfather's maiden name, etc. At least I didn't give any -- NOT ANY -- real information (I said I was a blonde). So I'm not that stupid.

By the way, I deliberately left out the link to the quiz here. If you go looking, it's easy enough to find. Then you can join the crowd and be stupid too.

Now... to run an anti-spyware scan.

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